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骨盆扩大、臀部下垂、产后漏尿、私 密松弛、腰酸背痛、身材走样? 徒手体态矫正:助你快􏰀恢复窈窕身 材和健康体态!

Postpartum Treatments

Wide and saggy hips? Urinary incontinence? Looseness vaginal? Lower back pain? With our posture correction treatments, you can regain confidence posture, solving all the postpartum concerns!


产后全方位修复Postpartum Treatments

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​Before & After

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Exclusive Pelvis & V Part Reverse

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Customer Testimonies

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Enhanced effectiveness with the combination of our freehand technique and devices.

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No Pills


No Injections






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30分钟 徒手矫正归位

30-Minute Painless Freehand Correction Without Side Effects Guaranteed smaller hips and tightened V part in one adjustment!

  • 无需动刀 No Scalpels

  • 无需打针 No Injections

  • 无需仪器 No Equipments

  • 无需药物 No Medicine

  • 无副作用 No Side Effects

  • 绝对安全 100% Safe

100% Instant Result Or
Money Back Guaranteed


  • 矫正后多久可以看到效果呢? How long does it take to see the results after treatment?
    我们徒手体态矫正是当场可以看见效果的。若要更好且更持久的效果,建议您靠良好日常 体态习惯,或定期过来矫正来维持。 We guarantee instant result on every session of your treatment. If you would like a better and longer lasting results, we recommend you to come for subsequent treatments.
  • 徒手矫正需要多少次护理呢? How many sessions needed to correct my posture?
    每个人的身体状况和需求都不同,所以我们在进行调整前会仔细评估您的情况,从而为您 量身定制最适合的疗程配套。一般情况下,为了达到最佳的效果,需要进行6-8次的矫正。 Depending on individual’s body condition and needs, we will thoroughly evaluate your body condition before personalizing a suitable treatment plan for you. In general, to achieve ideal and best shaping results, it would take around 6-8 sessions.
  • 护理是如何进行的? How is the treatments being executed?
    不同于推拿、按摩、整骨,我们采用独家专业的【柔性天然手法】,帮助您在极致舒适和放 松的状态下,缓解僵硬的肌肉,将错位的骨骼逐渐矫正归位。若想要更快􏰀有效,可以搭配 我们高科技HIFEM,帮助强化肌肉,更完美的恢复健康体态! Unlike massages, chiropractic and osteopathy, we use freehand technique, helping you to relieve the stiffness of muscles, and correct misaligned bone slowly. We have devices with HIFEM Technology as well, helping you to strengthen body muscles, achieving ideal body posture more effectively in shorter period of time!
  • 距离生产已经很久了,还能看见效果吗? I have given birth long time ago. Will it still be effective to me?
    绝对能!无论您产后多久,都可以通过正确的方法达到收紧骨盆和私密肌肉的效果。我们 的一些顾客是妈妈,他们的孩子已经超过21岁,但依然通过我们的方法成功地收紧骨盆和私 密肌肉。 Definitely yes! Regardless of the period after giving birth, we have our professional technique to correct and align pelvis effectively.
  • 不是妈妈,没有生产过可以进行护理? Is this treatment suitable for women who have not given birth?
    可以的,尤其是骨盆V处归位。只要是想解决臀部骨盆外扩、骨盆不正、臀部下垂、私密松 弛,都可以过来进行矫正! Sure, especially recommended for Pelvis & V Part Reverse treatment. Concerns of wide hips, pelvis tilt or uneven, saggy hips or looseness of V part could be solved with this treatment!
  • 谁/什么时候不适合进行矫正归位呢? Who is not suitable for the treatment / When should these treatments NOT be done?
    患有肌瘤者 - 半年内不适合进行护理 植入铁片者 - 半年内不适合进行护理 剖腹产妈妈 - 4个月内不适合进行护理 自然产妈妈 - 1个月内不适合进行护理 正在怀孕者 正在经期者 People with fibroids are not recommended for treatment within 6 months People with implanted metal plates are not recommended for treatment within 6 months Caesarean section mothers are not recommended for treatment within 4 months Natural labour mothers are not recommended for treatment within 1 month Pregnant lady Lady on menstruation
  • 骨盆不正会影响受孕吗? Will the chance of getting pregnancy affected by misaligned pelvis?
    是的,骨盆不正可能会影响受孕。骨盆是一个重要的生殖器官,它承载着子宫、卵巢和输 卵管等器官。如果骨盆不正,它可能会对卵巢和输卵管的位置和功能产生负面影响,从而影 响受孕。 例如,骨盆倾斜可能会导致卵巢和输卵管受到压迫,阻碍卵子的正常释放和移动,从而降低 受孕率。骨盆狭窄也可能会影响卵子的通过,从而影响受孕。此外,骨盆疾病如盆腔炎、子宫 内膜异位症等也可能会影响受孕。 Yes, a misaligned pelvis may affect fertility. The pelvis is an important reproductive organ that carries the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. If the pelvis is not in the correct position, it may negatively affect the position and function of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, thereby affecting fertility. For example, a tilted pelvis may cause compression of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, hindering the normal release and movement of the egg, thus reducing the chances of conception. Pelvic narrowing may also affect the passage of the egg, thus affecting fertility. In addition, pelvic diseases such as pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, etc., may also affect fertility.
  • 有没有副作用呢? Are there any side effects?
    我们的治疗过程是100%安全的,不会带来任何疼痛或副作用。您无需担心,也无需麻醉,可以放心接受我们的治疗。 我们非常重视每一位顾客的安全和健康,因此我们建议您在接受治疗前进行免费咨询,以便更好地了解治疗过程和效果,并决定是否需要进行治疗。我们的专业徒手师将在咨询过程中为您解答任何疑问,确保您可以做出明智的决定。 Our treatment process is 100% safe and will not cause any pain or side effects. You don't need to worry or undergo anaesthesia, and you can rest assured to receive our treatment. We place great emphasis on the safety and health of each customer, so we recommend that you receive a free consultation before undergoing treatment to better understand the treatment process and its effects, and decide whether treatment is necessary. Our professional manual therapists will answer any questions you may have during the consultation process, ensuring that you can make an informed decision.
  • 产后臀部扩大下垂/私密松弛适合这项护理吗? Does this treatment apply to postpartum sagging and loosening of the buttocks or private part?
    我们的专业骨盆私密修复治疗可以帮助解决产后臀部扩大下垂和私密部位松弛的问题,并且非常适合在产后进行骨盆修复治疗。在产后的黄金时期进行骨盆修复治疗可以帮助您更快地恢复身体健康和理想的体态。 Our professional pelvic and intimate repair treatment can help address the issues of postpartum buttock sagging and vaginal looseness, and is highly suitable for pelvic repair treatment after childbirth. Conducting pelvic repair treatment during the golden period after childbirth can help you recover your physical health and ideal body posture faster.
  • 产后多久可以做这些护理? How long after giving birth can I do these treatments?
    顺产30天即可。剖腹产则90天。 For natural birth, it is recommended to wait 30 days before receiving treatment. For Caesarean section delivery, it is recommended to wait 90 days.
  • 这项护理会帮助缩阴吗? Will this treatment help with vaginal tightening?
    您可以明显体验到紧致如初的效果。我们采用多种手法,其中之一是耻骨联合矫正,通过耻骨收窄2cm(一指)的效果来提高骨盆的紧致度。 You will experience a significant tightening effect as if you were a virgin again. We use various techniques, one of which is pubic joint correction, to increase the tightness of the pelvis by narrowing the pubic bone by 2cm (one finger width).
  • 产后漏尿可以解决吗? Can postpartum urinary incontinence be resolved?
    可以的。产后尿失禁是由于分娩时盆底韧带及肌肉的过度扩张加上尿道的组织松弛所致。盆骨V处矫正后,加上我们的“幸福椅”绝对可以帮助你解决产后漏尿的问题,还可以强化盆底肌,只需要坐着30分钟,就同等于做了12,000次的凯格尔运动! Postpartum urinary incontinence is caused by excessive expansion of the pelvic floor ligaments and muscles during childbirth, as well as tissue relaxation in the urethra. After correcting the V part of the pelvic bone and using our "happy chair," you can definitely help solve the problem of postpartum urinary incontinence and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Just sit for 30 minutes, which is equivalent to doing 12,000 Kegel exercises!
  • 什么时候不能做这些护理? When should these treatments not be done?
    在经期期间,不应进行骨盆私密修复。因为月经期间身体比较虚弱,进行护理也会对子宫造成刺激。最适合的时间是经期结束后的第五天开始进行护理,当然如果怀孕了也不能进行骨盆矫正。 Pelvic private repair should not be done during menstruation. This is because the body is weaker during the menstrual period, and performing the treatment may cause stimulation to the uterus. The best time to start the treatment is on the fifth day after the end of the menstrual period. Of course, pelvic correction should not be performed if pregnant.
  • 什么动作会影响骨盆不正? What actions can affect the misalignment of the pelvis?
    长期的不良姿势:如站立或坐着时弯腰、悬挂一条腿、背着书包或手提包等。或翘二郎腿会造成骨盆,脊椎,腰椎等位置发生偏移,从而导致骨盆高低。长期穿高跟鞋也会导致骨盆前倾。怀孕骨盆会随着胎儿的增大而向前,相对也会造成骨盆前倾。 Long-term poor posture, such as bending over while standing or sitting, hanging one leg, carrying a backpack or handbag, etc. Crossing legs can also cause the pelvis, spine, and lumbar vertebrae to shift, leading to uneven pelvis height. Wearing high heels for a long time can also cause the pelvis to tilt forward. During pregnancy, the pelvis will shift forward as the fetus grows, which can also cause the pelvis to tilt forward.
Grainy Surface




Contact our customer service to get a free consultation on posture issues and get our special offer now!

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Taman Pelangi, Johor Bahru, MY

No.01, 03, Jln Sri Pelangi 3, Taman Pelangi, 80400 Johor Bahru, Johor


          Contact: +6018-983 3811

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Eco Palladium, Johor Bahru, MY

A-04-12, Blok A, Pusat Perdagangan Ekoflora, Jln Ekoflora 7/3, Taman Ekoflora, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor

          Contact: +6018-983 3038

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Eco Galleria,  Johor Bahru, MY

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B-07-03, Pusat Perdagangan Bandar Bukit Jalil Persiaran Jalil 7, Bukit Jalil, 57000 Kuala Lumpur,

Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur

          Contact: +6016-565 8641

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211 Holland Ave, #02-43 Holland Shopping Centre, Singapore 278967


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Orchard Road, Singapore

60 Orchard Rd, #02-08A International Building, Singapore 238869


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