5 in 1 Golden Postpartum Package
✓ 骨盆V处归位
✓ 幸福椅
利用徒手和仪器全方位帮助妈咪解决骨盆外扩、移位、臀部下垂等问题, 并且缓解私密松弛、漏尿等烦恼,同时 还能缓解腰酸背痛。
✓ 腹直肌分离归位
✓ 肋骨外翻归位
✓ 塑腹肌
Pelvis and Vaginal Area Comprehensive Repair Combination:
✓ Pelvis & V Part Reverse
✓ Happy Chair
Using our exclusive treatment techniques and device to help mothers to solve postpartum problems such as pelvic widening, misalignment, sagging buttocks, vagina looseness, urinary incontinence, and relieve lower back pain.
Fat Reduction and Abdominal Contraction Combination:
✓ Diastasis Recti Reverse
✓ Rib Cage Reverse
✓ S Curve
Using manual techniques to comprehensively tighten the rectus abdominis muscle separation problem, helping to correct postpartum rib cage expansion as well as combining with exclusive device to effectively reduce fat and increase muscle, shaping a perfect body.